SWIM Project
SWIM Project
The Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) Programme is the technological pillar of the single European sky. This Programme aims to improve the performance of air traffic management by modernising and harmonising management systems through the definition, development and dissemination of innovative technological solutions and standardised operational processes.
SWIM - (System Wide Information Management) Project
The SWIM (System Wide Information Management) functionality is one of the main topics of the European SESAR regulation (EU Regulation 716/2014) which aims to facilitate the exchange of data between the stakeholders of the single European sky, whilst guaranteeing high cyber security standards.
The purpose of SWIM is to support the exchange of information in real-time and in safety between users within the air transport network (airport manager, provider of air navigation services, handlers and airlines).
The SWIM approach introduces a completely new way of exchanging Aeronautical information, not limited to a single solution or technology, but rather to a global level of interoperability and standardisation that allows all users and suppliers to exchange data without having to use different interfaces or protocols.
Aeroporti di Roma, with the funding received from CINEA as part of the Connecting Europe Facility 2017 call for tender, has implemented new cybersecurity measures and identified the architecture of future communication systems. In an increasingly interconnected aviation environment, it is essential to identify the risks for cyber security, to assess their possible impacts and to mitigate them with appropriate measures.
The measures implemented aim to strengthen the security perimeter of airport IT systems by complying with all the essential requirements for compliance with the SWIM protocols defined by the competent authorities of the EU in the aeronautical field.
Amongst the project activities completed in the SWIM project we highlight the following:
the identification of the necessary interventions to achieve the appropriate level of safety in line with SWIM guidelines;
the increase in the automation of IT security defences through the reduction of the risk of errors/accidents and the guarantee of the continuous availability of Firewall services (Certification Authority, VPN Remote Access and Management of access rules);
The implementation of cutting-edge Firewall technology as a primary security measure, forming a virtual checkpoint to protect computers and other network devices from cyber attacks;
the analysis of the current state of the internal architecture of IT security defences, taking into account the expected future capabilities and technical characteristics of the SWIM infrastructure.
The SWIM project implemented by Aeroporti di Roma at Fiumicino Airport provides for benefits in terms of:
increasing the level of protection of all IT systems from cyber attacks by integrating current and future cybersecurity policies to SWIM protocols;
increased safety thanks to the integrity of the aeronautical information shared;
greater strengthening of the airport on the market by being interconnected to the main stakeholders with the new European technological standards for data exchange.

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