Numerous destinations throughout the world can be reached from the General Aviation Terminal of Rome Ciampino Airport.
destinations connected with Rome Ciampino G.B. Pastine Airport General Aviation in 2010
destinations not affiliated with Rome Ciampino G. B. Pastine airport General Aviation in 2010
The following is a list of countries served by this type of connection in 2010:
Afghanistan | Germany | Niger |
Albania | Gibraltar | Nigeria |
Algeria | Greece | Norway |
Angola | Hong Kong | Oman |
Argentina | Hungary | Poland |
Armenia | Iceland | Portugal |
Australia | India | Qatar |
Austria | Indonesia | Republic of Congo |
Azerbaijan | Iraq | Republic of Moldova |
Bahamas | Ireland | Romania |
Bahrain | Israel | Russian Federation |
Belarius |
Rwanda |
Belgium | Japan | Saint Vincent and the Grenadin |
Bermuda | Jordan | Saudi Arabia |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | Kazakhstan | Senegal |
Brazil | Kenya | Serbia |
Bulgaria | Kuwait | Seychelles, Republic of |
Kyrgyzstan | Singapore |
Canada | Latvia | Slovakia |
Cape Verde | Lebanon | Slovenia |
Central African Republic | Libya Arab Jamahiriya | South Africa |
China | Lithuania | Spain and Canary Islands |
Costa Rica | Luxembourg | Sweden |
Croatia | Macedonia | Switzerland |
Czech Republic | Malaysia | Syrian Arab republic |
Congo, Democratic Republic | Maldives | Tanzania, United Replublic |
Cyprus | Mali | Togo |
Denmark | Malta | Tunisia |
Egypt | Martinique | Turkey |
Eritrea | Mauritius | Turkmenistan |
Estonia | Mexico | Uganda |
Ethiopia | Montenegro | Ukraine |
Finland | Morocco | United Arab Emirates |
France | Nepal | United Kingdom |
Gabon | Netherlands | United States of America |
Georgia | Netherlands Antilles | Venezuela |