Where ideas take-off

The Innovation Hub is a 650 sqm area dedicated to the development, collaboration and research of innovative solutions.

Here innovation is not only encouraged, but nurtured through different types of activities, events and initiatives that inspire creativity and drive progress.

descrizione immagine

The Innovation Hub offers resources and support to accelerate your journey through mentorship programs, events, strategic partnerships that push innovation to new levels, and inspiring spaces immersed in a unique environment

Plan your event in our
Innovation Hub

Want to learn more about Open Innovation?

Ask us how to help you shaping the future, foster collaboration and networking: we will design inspiring corporate events to connect you with industry leaders, innovative startups and groundbreaking solutions.

Contact us describing the idea of your event and we will get back to you with all the necessary details.




How can I get to the Innovation Hub?
Is it possible to participate in organized events?
How can I contact you?