The Aviation Business Development Team

The Aviation Business Development team accompanies and stimulates the sustainable growth of air traffic in Rome, through a constant collaboration with passengers and cargo airlines.

Every carrier interested in strengthening their business will find assistance from the team in all the phases that precede and follow the opening of new routes: from the study of feasibility to the start-up, up to the constant monitoring of flight progress.

The team is able to provide airlines with constantly updated data, useful for understanding the market and its development potential, thanks to the use of the most modern intelligence tools and reference software in the industry, internal data sources, analysis market, etc.

Team contacts

Aeroporti di Roma (ADR) has adopted a policy aimed at supporting the growth of traffic at Rome Fiumicino airport: more information at the following link.

ADR Policy 2024 for Air Traffic Development

ADR Policy 2025 for Air Traffic Development