Organizational model


ADR, which has always been committed to combining the need to optimise economic growth with the fundamental principles of business ethics, in addition to having implemented the Mundys Group Code of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Policy to regulate the proper execution of its operations, has also adopted an Organisational, Management and Control Model pursuant to the requirements of Legislative Decree 231/2001, with which has defined a structured system of rules and controls to that all of its recipients are called on to comply with, in order to pursue the corporate purpose in full compliance with prevailing legal provisions.
The adoption of Model 231 represents an important step towards the achievement of those goals set out as good practices implemented by the company, as it guarantees shareholders, the financial community and stake holders on the correct application of laws and regulations provided for in the execution of business activities.
Since 2007, ADR’s Board of Directors has adopted and constantly updated its own Model 231.
This Model consists of a “general part” which describes the inspiring principles and the operational methods followed for its preparation and updating, regulates the requirements, functions and powers of the set up Supervisory Body, as well as the characteristics of the system of reports and information flows, the sanctions system and the methods for the dissemination the Model itself within ADR and to third parties.
At the same time, the Model contemplates the special parts - documents for internal and confidential use - based on company processes, where are summarised protocols, control measures and principles of behaviour, which are considered suitable to regulate the processes and sensitive activities identified, for which a potential risk of committing crimes and administrative offences pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.
The Organisational Model is disseminated within the Company and - by means of this web page and appropriate contractual mechanisms - is brought to the knowledge of all third parties that enter into relationships with Aeroporti di Roma.

The Supervisory Body (SB) is the collegial body entrusted, pursuant to Article 6 of Legislative Decree No. 231/2001, with the task of "supervising the functioning, observance and effectiveness of the Model and ensuring its updating".       
The Supervisory Body must be informed of all circumstances relevant to the compliance with and the functioning of the Model as well as of any unlawful conducts or violations of the Model.
Communications may be forwarded to the Supervisory Body:

  • via the e-mail address;
  •  to the attention of the Supervisory Body Aeroporti di Roma - Via Pier Paolo Racchetti 1, 00054 Fiumicino- Roma.
In line with the provisions of current legislation on reporting violations in the private sector (so-called whistleblowing), ADR provides dedicated channels that guarantee the confidentiality of the reporter's identity (IT platform, e-mail box and postal address) for sending reports, including anonymous ones, to the Team Segnalazioni (an internal collegial body in charge of receiving and managing reports). For further information, please refer to the page ADR Group Whistleblowing - AEROPORTI DI ROMA - Aeroporti di Roma.
In particular, reports can be sent to the Team Segnalazioni using the following alternative channels:
  • access to the IT platform dedicated to "Whistleblowing" reports, accessible from the institutional corporate website, which is suitable for guaranteeing, also by IT means, the confidentiality of the whistleblower;
  • e-mail, to the e-mail address accessible only to authorised persons;
  • postal mail, to the address: ADR S.p.A., Team Segnalazioni ADR, Via Pier Paolo Racchetti 1, 00054 Fiumicino (RM).